My year in books: 2021

I can’t believe that we’re almost at the end of one more year with COVID-19. At this stage, the saying’ time flies’ might need a rebranding to ‘time disappears,’ and not in a positive way. It was a tough reading year for me. I managed to read my annual minimum of 30 books (quite a few hefty ones) and exceed the 10,000-page goal by a couple of hundred (10,258 pages, to be precise). And that’s about it on the achievements front! I only got through four classics that I had planned for my Back to the Classics Challenge 2021, which isn’t enough to even write a wrap-up post. I also got completely stuck with my European Book Challenge, although the last two books for the second round have been sitting on my shelf for a long, long time. It was tough for me to focus on reading, and I struggled to pick up the right books. It was especially difficult to focus on non-fiction books as I seemed to need an interesting story to drown out the background noise in my head. Consequently, my nominations list will be a little bit shorter this year.

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